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Hii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^

-The idea of the game is pretty good and fun while well executed overall.

-The gameplay mechanics are quite fun and well thought in relation to the kind of game it is. Appart from that the only thing that comes to my mind is that te controls feel hard to get into at first, appart from that my only recomendation is that you include a permanent simplified control scheme explanation in one of the corners of the screen and make it posible to remove from options, that might seem a pretty small detail but I'm sure having that on screen for a few runs can make the game more welcoming for new players.

-Visually the game looks awesome and the art style totally fits the theme of the game.

In conclusion, the idea is great and I hope you keep working on it. Hopefully this is useful for the development :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Thank you for playing! Agreed, the controls can be challenging at first and having the instructions in the pause screen was a lazy way to deal with it :P I'll figure out a good way to introduce new players to the controls. 

You are welcome ^^


Really love the juice and feedback behind everything, even the main menu! Quick bug report: I completed a level and got a game over just after (or before, can't remember) so the "Level Complete" screen popped up but a second later, it closed and gave me the "Game Over" screen.

Thanks for playing! ok noted, I'll see what's going on there.


I really love the juice in the main menu! The gameplay/upgrade system is really addicting. 

In the full release I'd definitely have a full controls tutorial instead of just "esc to see controls", but hey, it's a demo.

I think I have a bug to report? I was playing on level 2 and I was shooting while on a broken piece of planet then the game got really slow and I could not move.

I look forward to buying the full release!

Screenshot if it helps?

Thanks Simon! Yep I'll be sure to convey the controls in a better way for the full game XD. Ok so the red portion is lava so it damages you if you stand on it. It introduces platforming and increases the difficulty the more you let the planet take damage. I guess I should make that clear too!!!

Oh okay so I should be able to jump out of it? I was trying to move but I wasn't about to scooch out of it.

yeah you should be able to just jump or move out of it but maybe it's a bug... I shall look into it


Love the game! And the music is awesome! I was only a bit confused by the first weapon you can use, which I found not super clear how to use it!

Ok noted, it might be the laser turret... you have to hold the left mouse button to shoot.
Anyway, thanks for playing!